6 Common Composting Questions

Composting is easier than you think and the finished compost is an excellent soil amendment to improve the growth and health of your garden or landscape plants. But still, sometimes things can go wrong! Here are six quick answers to common composting questions, to help solve your composting woes.  Fall leaves are a good high carbon... Continue Reading →

Natural vs. Synthetic Fertilizers

All plants - trees & shrubs, turf, ornamentals, fruits and vegetables – all require the same 17 nutrients to grow. Three of these - carbon, hydrogen and oxygen – plants get from air and water, but the remaining 14 nutrients are absorbed from the soil.   Plant nutrients are classified as either primary, secondary or... Continue Reading →

Uses of Compost in the Landscape

Compost is used as a soil amendment to improve the physical, chemical and biological properties of soils. Over time, yearly additions of compost will improve your landscape or garden soil in many ways.  Fall is a great time to build a compost pile.  So, before your trees begin to lose their leaves this fall, consider all the great uses for compost in your landscape.   Compost can be used... Continue Reading →

Managing Chlorosis in Trees 

Eastern Nebraska tends to have high soil pH, also known as alkaline soil, which can cause problems for some plants, like river birch, pin oak, big-leaf hydrangeas and blueberries to name a few. Alkaline soil changes the availability of certain plant nutrients, often making them less available, resulting in deficiency symptoms.   Other conditions contributing to... Continue Reading →

Building a Coldframe or Hot Bed

A cold frame or hotbed is an easy and inexpensive structure to create. It functions as a small greenhouse, enabling gardeners to extend their growing season in both spring and fall.  It can be used to harden off seedlings in spring or grow late season crops of cold tolerant plants like greens.   LocationThe ideal location for... Continue Reading →

Turn Autumn Leaves into Compost

Soon leaves will begin to turn red, yellow or brown and fall from our trees. Plant waste from flower beds, vegetable gardens and container plants will also accumulate. Why not take advantage of these great organic materials, instead of sweeping them into bags and hauling them off to the landfill? You can easily turn them... Continue Reading →

Earthworms in Lawns

Earthworms are very beneficial to a home lawn and landscape, serving as an indicator of healthy soil. Their movement through soil provides natural aeration, improving the growing environment for grass roots by increasing air and water movement in the soil. They also help decompose thatch and alleviate compaction.  However, earthworm activity can also contribute to... Continue Reading →

Making a Compost Bin

Starting a compost pile can be as simple as piling yard waste up in a free-standing pile. But to save space in smaller landscapes, hasten decomposition and keep the yard looking neat, create a composting structure. Composting structures can be made from a variety of materials and be as simple or complex as desired.  ... Continue Reading →

Aminopyralids: Restrictions for Grazing, Compost and Manure

Article written by: Jennifer Weisbrod – Assistant Extension Educator, Leslie Johnson - Animal Manure Management Extension Educator, & Melissa Bartels - Extension Educator The prices of synthetic fertilizers have increased significantly over the last year, leaving growers and even homeowners facing the decision of finding alternative sources of nutrients. One great option is the use... Continue Reading →

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