Foundation Plantings

        The term “foundation plantings” generally refers to landscape plants purposely placed at or near the foundation of a house. In the past, such plants were regularly used to help hide unappealing foundations and first-floor basements and typically consisted of shearable evergreen shrubs such as boxwood, juniper, or yews with a few easy-to-grow daylilies or... Continue Reading →

Spring and Summer Care of Raspberries

Raspberries are widely grown in Nebraska and a very popular home garden fruit. They are not difficult to grow if given the proper care. Here are the best pruning, fertilization and watering practices for your raspberries, along with a few tips on weed, insect and disease control.   Harvest time. Image from Pixabay. PruningRaspberries can... Continue Reading →

7 Garden Gaffes to Avoid this Year 

What’s the difference between a new gardener and an experienced one? The experienced gardener has killed way more plants - or so the saying goes!   Even armed with a substantial amount of knowledge, gardening is still a highly trial-and-error venture. Sometimes that’s on purpose, as gardeners try new plants in their gardens. Sometimes it’s... Continue Reading →

Pruning Fruit Trees vs. Shade Trees 

If you haven’t pruned the trees in your landscape yet, now is a good time to get it done. Today, let’s look at the differences between pruning fruit trees and shade trees. Our end goals and pruning strategies are very different between these two tree types.   Apple trees in an orchard demonstrating standard central... Continue Reading →

Creating a Patio Garden 

If you’re short on space, try your hand at creating a patio or container garden.  Containers fit well on an apartment patio or balcony, as well as in larger landscapes. The key to being successful involves using large containers, a good growing media, and selecting vegetables and flowering plants sized right for growing in containers.      Patio Choice Yellow, All-America Selection 2017... Continue Reading →

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