Plants for Sandy Soil

If you’re sitting on sandy soil and don’t have a flower garden, it’s well worth starting one. The rest of us—who sigh with disappointment every time we read “must have well-drained soil” in a nursery catalog—can’t let you waste this opportunity that’s lying at your feet.        Sand, the largest of soil particles (and the only... Continue Reading →

Dothistroma needle blight

Dothistroma needle blight is one of the most common fungal diseases of pines in Nebraska, resulting in sparse trees with thin canopies. Older, inner needles are affected first causing premature needle drop. Many species of pine are affected by this disease, but in Nebraska it's found most commonly and causes the greatest amount of damage on Austrian and Ponderosa... Continue Reading →

2021 All-America Selection Flower Winners

All-America Selections (AAS) announces three flower award winners – ‘Profusion Red Yellow Bicolor’ zinnia, ‘Kelos Candela Pink’ celosia and ‘Sweet Daisy Birdy’ shasta daisy. To see pictures of these and other great plants visit the All-America Selection website,  Zinnia 'Profusion Red Yellow Bicolor'. New and older flowers create a beautiful mix of colors. Zinnia ‘Profusion Red Yellow Bicolor’ – This is the newest entry in the popular Profusion series, which features... Continue Reading →

2021 All-America Selection Vegetable Winners

For 2021, All-America Selections (AAS) announces three vegetable award winners – ‘Crème Brulee’ echalion, ‘Pot-apeno’ pepper and ‘Goldilocks’ squash. To see pictures of these and other great plants visit the All-American Selection website. Eschalion 'Creme Brulee', image from All-America Selections. Echalion ‘Crème Brulee’. An echalion, also called a banana shallot, differs from standard shallots by having an elongated 4-5” bulb, which is easy to peel and cut. ‘Crème Brulee’... Continue Reading →

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