Spring Freeze Damage in Home Landscapes

Unseasonably warm, mid-70 to nearly 90-degree temperatures in early April lured trees, shrubs and perennials out of dormancy. Many trees and shrubs have been blooming for the last two weeks, only to be threatened by normal late April frosts.   April 14-15, Lincoln nighttime temperatures dip to 27°F and 26°F degrees, respectively.  April 19-22, had nighttime temperatures of 31°F, 32°F, 29°F and 23°F degrees, respectively.      Gardeners always have concerns... Continue Reading →

Spring Preemergence Weed Control Applications

Many homeowners are wondering about this year’s first spring preemergence (PRE) herbicide and fertilizer application. Here are some tips to help you sort out the best products and strategies for your lawn.   PRE Herbicide Residual PRE herbicides act by killing germinating weed seedlings, which come in contact with the herbicide as they grow their first... Continue Reading →

Early Season Disease Control in the Home Orchard

Fruit trees are blooming, or will soon be, marking the beginning of another growing season. Many diseases become active during blooming, so it’s time to protect your trees and ensure a good harvest. Brown Rot After harvesting, gardeners are often disappointed to find their apricot, peach, cherry or plum fruits quickly develop a soft fuzzy brown rot. This is caused by a very common... Continue Reading →

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