Minor Bulbs

Early in the spring, we often get anxious for better weather and more time outdoors. One of the things that can help us with that is to plant spring blooming bulbs in our landscapes and gardens. The time for planting spring blooming bulbs is in the fall, but this might help you plan your garden... Continue Reading →

Cultivate Something Good – Your Garden and Your Well-being

Your yoga classes, meetings, and concerts are canceled.  Theaters are closed. The kids are out of school and you’re being encouraged to stay home. In this time of Covid-19, here are a few suggestions to cultivate something good from the National Garden Bureau. Written by C.L. Fornari, GardenComm member. Start some seeds. Nothing is more life-affirming than checking each morning to see... Continue Reading →

2020- The Year of Sweet Corn

The final plant of the year, promoted by the National Garden Bureau, is sweet corn. Whether picked fresh from the garden or purchased from the farmers market or local produce aisle, sweet corn continues to be among America’s favorite vegetable. Why is it so Popular? Versatility! Eaten straight off the cob or included in side dishes,... Continue Reading →

2020- The Year of Hydrangea

For their shrub of the year, the National Garden Bureau has chosen hydrangea, a very popular and much sought-after shrub. Known for their nostalgia as well as their modern design appeal, hydrangeas are beautiful in the landscape, a container garden or used as cut flowers. The word origin of hydrangea comes from the Greek words for... Continue Reading →

2020- The Year of Lavender

2020- The Year of Lavender This year the National Garden Bureau has chosen lavender as their perennial of the year. The “Lavender Lifestyle” is real! Everywhere you look, people are incorporating this multifaceted plant into their daily lives. It’s seen in gardens, as well as in kitchens and décor. It’s even a special part of health... Continue Reading →

2020- The Year of Iris

This year the National Garden Bureau is promoting iris as their bulb of the year. Irises are among the easiest of perennials to grow from bulbs, roots or rhizomes. The genus includes some 250-300 species featuring showy flowers. In fact, the iris takes its name from the Greek word for a rainbow, which is also the name for... Continue Reading →

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